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Characters from the Osamu Tezuka Star System

Astro Boy is a 10-year-old robot boy created by Dr. Boynton. He is a highly intelligent young boy with a curious nature, but becomes more cynical after Dr. Boynton abuses him and then sells him to the circus. Astro also finds himself in the centre of a robot uprising and Dr. Boynton's attacks. Astro is eventually adopted by Dr. Elefun and given a normal life. He is, of course, based on the titular Tezuka character Tetsuwan Atom / Astro Boy.


Dr. Astor Boynton II is the head director of the Institute of Science. Despite being a gifted and brilliant roboticist, he has become power-hungry and extremely possessive ever since the deaths of his wife and son. Boynton first built Astro as a replacement for his son, but then brainwashed Astro to become a violent defence robot. He gradually becomes more and more deranged and paranoid about his surroundings. Boynton is based on the Tezuka character Umataro Tenma.



Mr. Cacciatore is the ringmaster and owner of a shady robot circus. He buys Astro from Dr. Boynton, and forces Astro to right other robots in the ring. He controls his robots with abusive measures, including administering electric shocks to Astro to force him to fight. Cacciatore is based on the Tezuka character Hamegg.

Dr. Packadermus J. Elefun is Boynton's successor as Institute Director, and Astro's guardian and conscious. After tracking down Astro and Boynton's locations, Elefun rescued Astro from being repossessed by the military. He later builds Astro a pair of robot parents, a sister, and enrolls him in elementary school. Elefun is based on the Tezuka character Dr. Ochanomizu.

Astor Boynton III was Dr. Boynton's late son. He was a boy genius and extremely creative, and idolized his father. After spending the weekend at his father's house, Dr. Boynton allowed Astor to drive home himself in an automated car, which unfortunately led to the boy being killed in a traffic accident. Astor is based on the Tezuka character Tobio Tenma.

Taz Tamil is a researcher and member of the board at the Institute of Science. He is meek and clumsy but eager for power; he spies on Astro and Boynton for General Hawkins in exchange for a potential raise. Taz is based on the Tezuka character Duke Red.

Mr. Pompus is Astro's homeroom teacher, starting in issue #11. He is an enthusiastic teacher who cares a lot about his students. If needed, he can easily hold his own in a fight. He is based on the Tezuka character Higeoyaji.

Professor I.Q. Plenty is a genetic engineer who claims to be Dr. Boynton's rival. Plenty is an off, self-absorbed scientist who vies for the lead of the Institute, but he later on becomes Astro's ally. His best friend and assistant is Spud, a golden retriever with a collar that lets him talk. Plenty is based on the Tezuka character Dr. Fooler.

Astro Girl is Astro's younger sister, debuting in issue #14. She is mischevious and energetic, and idolizes her older brother. She often tries to follow along on Astro's adventures or find her own. Astro Girl is based on the Tezuka character Uran.

Comic-Exclusive Characters

Jean was Dr. Boynton's late wife. Not much is known about her, aside from some home movies Astro is able to watch of Jean and Astor. She was protective of Astor, but tried to isolate him from Boynton when the two begun to divorce. It is heavily implied that she committed suicide after Astor's accident.

General Hawkins is the leader of Metro City's military. She co-funded Astro Boy's production, assuming she would be getting a superweapon called the Mighty Atom. Hawkins initially wants to own Astro but slowly becomes more open to simply sponsoring him. She is ultra tough and no-nonsense, often bossing around her subordinates and Taz Tamil.

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